How to Tell if My Cat Has UTI?
Can Cat Litter Be Flushed?
The cat product industry has come a long way since the 1940s when one pet parent came up with the idea of using sand as litter for their feline friends.
These days, most of the litters you will come across if you’re looking to change the one you've been using are the flushable ones.
But are they safe? What litter types are out there and which ones are safe to flush down the toilet? We’re answering all of these questions and more in today’s post, so keep on reading.
Why Does My Cat Keep Sneezing?
It’s funny when cats sneeze as their entire facial expression changes. But when it happens too often or if a cat develops sneezing fits, there could be something to worry about.
But what can cause sneezing in cats? We answer this question in this article, so keep on reading!
How to Start Cat Exploring
Most, if not all, fur parents would want the opportunity to take their furballs out for a trip or an adventure. If you're a cat mum or dad trying to bring your kitty outdoors for the first time, getting started might be a daunting task.
In this post, we talk about cat exploring and some simple tips on how you can start going on adventures with your feline.