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5 Tips on How to Get a Cat to Stop Biting

Your cat shares some of her genes with predators like tigers and panthers. So even in play, your feline friend might mouth or bite more than you are comfortable with, mostly out of instinct. If you are wondering how to get a cat to stop biting, we’ve come up with five tips that you can check out below.

We’ve included some information on the reasons this behaviour happens so that you can prevent it from becoming a habit.

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Does Your Cat Have Itchy Skin?

Allergies in cats are more common than you might think. There are a lot of factors that can cause them, and if dermatitis is developed, it can sometimes be very challenging to treat. Does your cat have itchy skin?

In today’s article, we’re looking at some of the most common causes of skin itchiness in cats, how you can tell if your cat is itchy, and what you can do about it.

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How to Control Litter Box Odour

Minimising cat litter smell can be a challenging task, especially if you have several feline companions and several litter boxes in your living space.

To ease this potentially daunting task, we give you several tips on how to eliminate this issue as swiftly and effectively as possible. Controlling litter box odour does require consistency, so you might have to change your routine.   

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What Cats Can (and Can't) Eat: Fishing out the Facts

But before we delve into what food cats can and can’t eat, here’s a top tip for every feline parent: as obligate carnivores, a.k.a. mighty meat eaters, cats thrive on protein rich diets. Protein supports a cat’s heart, vision and reproductive system, and therefore if your cat becomes protein deficient, this can lead to severe complications.

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