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10 Cat Breeds Purrfect for Cold Weather

Winter isn’t the most pleasant season for cats, and there are breeds that hate the cold more than others. However, some seem to possess a genetic advantage to better cope with chilly temperatures, although they wouldn't mind getting cozy on a heated blanket when possible.

In this article, we look at 10 cat breeds that actually have no issue feeling comfortable, even when it’s cold outside.

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10 Dog Breeds Pawfect for Cold Weather

Beyond mere appearances, dog breeds exhibit varying abilities to endure and adapt to different climatic conditions, including extreme heat or bitter cold.

This article delves into the world of 10 dog breeds that thrive in the wintertime, outshining their performance during the summer months - the canine companions who truly come alive amidst the frosty landscapes of winter.

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5 Cat Breeds That Need Extra Care in Winter

Everyone knows that cats love warmth more than anything and that they could spend a whole day in the sun. This is a truth applicable when it comes to all cat breeds, but there are some that hate the cold weather more than others.

Even worse, some genetically have a harder time coping with winter, especially those that hail from tropical or warm climates.

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5 Dog Breeds That Need Extra Care in Winter

Dog breeds have changed a lot over the past few centuries, and even though breeders are now making sure that as few pets as possible end up suffering from genetic defects, the truth is that not all dogs are the same.

As a result, dogs vary greatly in terms of their coats and their ability to tolerate cold weather. In this article, we will explore five breeds that not only dislike the cold but also struggle with regulating their body temperature during the winter season.

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