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Why is my Puppy Behaving This Way?

Why is my Puppy Behaving This Way?

  • by Rufus and Coco

Puppies have a knack for getting into all sorts of trouble, whether on purpose or not, and we can't blame them. After all, this, more often than not, stems from their genuine curiosity for their environment. This is primarily the reason why they need to be taught proper socialisation and training at a young age.

And because our canine friends aren't necessarily born with manners, you might notice some behaviours which might be bothersome for you. In this article, we list down some behaviours your need to watch out for when you have a new puppy.

5 Behaviours to Watch Out For in a New Puppy


Puppies tend to develop excessive chewing as a habit, especially when they are teething. These days, there are various ways to tackle your dog’s chewing necessities, from getting them the right toy to using a pain-alleviating oral gel.

But if they are left alone for a long time, puppies can begin chewing anything and everything they set their hands on, either out of boredom or separation anxiety. Interacting with your puppy and making sure that you spend enough time with them every day is the best way to deal with this problem.

When you see your pup chewing on something, try distract your dog and, instead, give them something they can safely chew on. An example of this is our Natural Rubber Chew Toy that's made from plant-derived rubber and has been tested for Australia against the European Safety Standard for Children's Toys.

Chewing is also common in dogs that do not get enough exercise throughout the day, so make sure you take your pup out for walks or even a daily run if you need to wear them out.


Mouthing and biting aren't particularly good behaviours in dogs, but our pups can have the tendency engage in such actions. In some cases, you might have to raise your voice or simply isolate your dog from whatever could be causing such behaviour.

Do keep in mind that many pups tend to bite out of fear, defensiveness, and, sometimes, to protect their territory. This is a behaviour that doesn’t occur very often with dogs who are properly socialised early on, so make sure that your pup gets enough interaction with other people and animals.

If everything fails, you might have to take your dog to a professional trainer as they have the skills and knowledge to teach your dog to conduct itself properly regardless of the circumstances.

Inappropriate elimination

This is an issue that most puppy parents experience, and the truth is that it's perfectly normal in the first few months of a dog’s life. On top of that, your veterinarian might have recommended that you keep your dog indoors until their vaccination plan is completed, so your pup will really have no other option than to ‘go’ inside the house.

Sometimes, changing your dog’s routine and going out for long walks can solve the issue. But many dogs can pee where they’re not supposed to in stressful situations (and our Anxiety Aid might help, in that case!).

They might also do it to mark their territory, so try to spend plenty of time outdoors together so that they’re less inclined to pee everywhere in your home. Just make sure that when you do bring them out, you exercise your obligation as a responsible pet owner and stop them from peeing in places where they shouldn't.

Begging for food

Most dogs are food-oriented and they will go out of their way to convince you to hand them something from the dinner table. If your dog sees that you’re so easy to convince, they’ll beg even more often. No pet owner can handle those puppy eyes, but you should know better that there are certain human food that can't simply be eaten by your precious pooch.

Moreover, some dogs might have to be put on strict diets depending on their health status, and it’s always a good idea to teach your dog from their youth that begging is not acceptable behaviour.

Whenever it happens, try to distract your pet with something else or isolate them in a different place in the house. If you do this every time they beg, they’ll understand that begging is what's causing it.

Chasing and jumping

These two behaviours are often the result of the puppy not getting enough exposure to new people and other pets. If you have a busy schedule and you can’t take your dog out for walks, you might have to do your best at organising playdates.

During the weekends, take your dog out for long hikes and make them understand that if they have the patience, they’ll be rewarded with enough time outdoors.

Talk to your puppy each time they jump to greet someone and try to distract them, but not by giving a snack as you might inadvertently be reinforcing bad behaviour by doing this.

As for chasing, keep your dog on a Retractable Dog Lead when you’re outdoors and train your mate to come to you when you call them. Any accessory that can help is great, whether a whistle, a clicker, or your pup’s recent favourite toy.

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