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What Kind of Toys do Cats Like?

If a cat has recently joined your family, you’re probably wondering what the best ways of keeping her entertained are. But what kind of toys do cats like? Which ones are safe? How can you go about picking the right one for your feline buddy? 

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10 Dog Breeds for Kids

What makes the best dog for kids? Every pooch is unique in their way, so you should base your decision of adopting one breed or another on several factors, such as temperament, size, energy level, intelligence, as well as how much effort and money go into caring for the dog.

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10 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed

We have all been there. We turn to leave the house for work and look down only to find your clothes covered in tiny pet hairs. It is the dog owners’ curse… or is it?  

If you are allergic to fur or simply do not want the hassle of constantly de-fluffing your clothes and furniture, you may be on the lookout for a furry companion that isn’t quite so furry.

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6 Meaningful Ways to Celebrate Father's Day With Your Pet

Father's Day (also known as Fur-thers day for pet parents!) is just around the corner. While it may not be possible to celebrate in a big way like we used to due to COVID, there are still some alternative simple and meaningful ways for you to celebrate Fur-thers Day with your pet. Our list covers all types of interests and pet personalities so can make some wonderful lasting memories with your pets.

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